Waste from medical practices, podiatrists, beauty centers, tattoo and piercing parlours, clinics, medical laboratories, dental and veterinary practices, acupuncture and research centers, health surveillance and first aid centers such as syringes, needles, disposable gloves, test tubes, patches, scalpels, slides, expired medicines etc. require an accurate and complex handling, regulated by the legislation in force (DPR 254/2003 – Dlgs.152/2006) which provides for harsh sanctions in case of non-compliance.


 SI.MA.D. S.r.l. provides a service which is not limited to the simple collection and transportation of waste to its final disposal plant. We follow the entire management cycle, in full compliance with the relevant legislation and securing commitment to cost reduction for our clients. We offer our professionalism and the experience of 20 years in environmental matters and we guide our client through all the bureaucratic process. We provide technical advice and updating on legislative matters, we compile the loading/unloading register and the annual Waste Declaration (MUD) for the enterprises that need to submit it. We provide authorized containers with specific labelling, as required by the legislation in force.


Waste collection is carried out by our specialized personnel who is equipped with suitable devices for individual protection. Waste is transported by means regularly registered at the National Registry of Environmental Management and delivered to plants treating sanitary waste.


We work on a day-to-day basis to combine our clients’ needs with legislation concerning safety, work hygiene and environment protection. Competence and transparency are our strong points!