For over 30 years SI.MA.D. S.r.l. has been offering services related to the environmental legislation, dealing in particular with waste transportation, recovery and disposal.
We follow the entire waste management cycle, from technical and legislative advice to delivery to recovery centers or landfills, ensuring high quality standards. We are registered at the National Registry of Environmental Management and our personnel is trained and highly qualified. We work on a day-to-day basis to combine our clients’ needs with the legislation concerning environmental protection, safety and work hygiene. Being conscious that the environment is a common good to preserve, our aim is to get waste, within the legal limits, to be recycled and reused instead of being dumped in landfills. This approach integrates the saving needs of your enterprise with remarkable benefits for the environment, transforming waste into a genuine resource.
Being well aware that an enterprise has responsibilities not only towards its shareholders but towards society in general as well, our conduct is inspired by principles of transparency and professional ethics.

Roberto Cianti
Logistics Manager

Francesco De Persio